Various types of textile fibres are found in all over the world. A Classification of Textle Fibres are given below:
1. Natural Fibre of Textile. A) Vegetable Origin: a) Bast Fibres like Jute, Flax, Hemp, Kenaf, Sunn, Urena, and Nettle. b) Seed & Fruit fibres like Coir, Cotton. c) Leaf Fibres like Sisal, Manila. B) Animal Origin: a) Wool and Hair Fibres, b) Silk and other filaments. C) Mineral Origin: Asbestos.
2. Man-made Fibre/ Chemical Fibre/ Artificial Fibre: A) Natural Polymer Based. a) Cellulose b) Cellulose Ester c) Protein d) Miscellaneous. B) Synthetic Polymer Based. a) Polyamides b) Polyesters fibres c) Polyelofins d) Poly-urethanes e) Polyvinyl Derivatives like Poly-acrylonitrile (PAN), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polyvinylidence Chloride C) Miscellaneous. |